Personal Notes by Charles O'Bryant about Wayne Wyant
I spoke with Lois Wyant several times in January 2002 just after Wayne had passed on in December 2001. Lois was pleased to see Sundance 500 still going strong after many years. After talking with Lois, I was able to give one of the last WayLo Acres leopard Appaloosa mares a nice retirement home. Lois had also provided me with several old photographs and information about the WayLo Acres program that I wanted to share with the Sundance 500 membership. Wayne Wyant was known in the Appaloosa world for his beautiful leopard Appaloosas. Lois Martin and Wayne Wyant were married in August of 1959 and began WayLo Acres. Soon after, they began breeding the Sundance 500 lines of Appaloosas to become one of the leading Appaloosa breeders in the East. Some of their well known leopard Appaloosas were WayLo's Sully Sundance, WL's Baby Grand, WayLo's Sully Feather, WayLo's Sully Sunbeam, Sully Clegg, Sonseeray, Sully's Angela and Navajo Jupiter.
Waylo's Sully SunbeamSonseerayNavajo Jupiter
Sully CleggSully's AngelaWL's Baby Grand
Sully Sundance
Wayne played a big part of the early days of the Sundance Breeders Association. He helped formalize the first Sundance 500 organization with Ralph Cannon of Sun Appaloosas in 1968. In the mid 1960's Wayne Wyant began breeding and showing Sundance 500 bloodline Appaloosas.

During several ApHC shows over those years he had multiple conversations with Ralph Cannon regarding the promotion of the Sundance 500 lines. These discussions later resulted in a group of breeders banding together to form a bloodline organization. Wayne and Ralph are credited with founding the Sundance 500 Breeders Association during the mid 1960s and formally organizing the group in 1966. 

Wayne brought several fine quality Sundance 500 bloodline Appaloosas to his farm over the years purchased from Lee Warne's ranch in South Dakota. These Sundance 500 bred Appaloosas firmly establish his Appaloosa operation in the East. During his first decade of breeding appaloosas, he learned the basics and began refining his leopard producing program.

Wayne was able to produce a nice Appaloosa from the working horse bloodlines of Sundance 500 Appaloosas - his famous stallion WayLo's Sully Sundance-a great grandson of Sundance F 500. He later became a Grand Champion Stallion at the Columbus, Ohio all breeds show and the Pennsylvania Appaloosa Association Champion.
Wayne Wyant will be greatly missed, but always remembered for his role in establishing our fine Sundance 500 International organization and his contributions to the promotion of the leopard Sundance 500 Appaloosas.

Pictured is Wayne Wyant and Sully's Angel.